ME/CFS sufferers have broken energy batteriesSource: The Chronic’s Chronicles, 11, 2024Oct 11, 2024
A useful list of ME/CFS symptoms (useful for those with Long Covid too)This useful list of ME/CFS symptoms was shared by Tom Kindlon on X/Twitter and comes from a paper by Carly S. Holtzman, Shaun Bhatia…Feb 19, 2024Feb 19, 2024
The film Unrest, about life with ME/CFS, is now on YouTube to watch for freeWatch it online here: 25, 2023May 25, 2023
For British healthcare professionals: The CPD module on ME/CFS has been say:Feb 3, 2023Feb 3, 2023
From Reddit: Answer questions about ‘Chronic Illness in the Workplace’ (& go in draw to win Amazon…Source: 20, 2022Jan 20, 2022
I’m supporting the world’s biggest study into ME/CFS.Are you eligible for the world’s biggest study into ME/CFS? If so, help make the study happen — register your interest at…Dec 26, 2021Dec 26, 2021
The company The Chrysalis Effect Ltd in the UK found to make unsubstantiated claims about ME/CFS…In 2014 the company The Chrysalis Effect Ltd in the UK was found to be making unsubstantiated claims about the ability for consumers to…May 30, 2021May 30, 2021
Monitoring your heart rate. Important information for recovering from ME/CFSThis article, by Dr Bruce Campbell, the author of Managing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, considers that the core aspect of…Apr 21, 2021Apr 21, 2021
Jennifer Brea — What happens when you have a disease doctors can’t diagnoseSource: 5, 2020Dec 5, 2020
Please believe us when we say we are sick (ME/CFS)"If I don't look sick to you, it's because you don't see me on my bad days."Jun 14, 2019Jun 14, 2019
Being tired vs. Being chronically fatiguedGraphic originally by @spoonie_village.May 10, 2019May 10, 2019
The Best Graphic For Explaining How ME/CFS Sufferers Have To Manage Their EnergyI came across this graphic by Jessica from and I think it is the best way I’ve seen to explain to friends & family…Mar 8, 2019Mar 8, 2019
The treatment regime for ME/CFS from the world-class Stanford ME/CFS Initiative (as of November…The treatment regime for ME/CFS from the highly regarded Stanford Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Initiative…Feb 6, 20181Feb 6, 20181
Jennifer Brea’s reaction to The Independent’s excellent piece on ME/CFS shows what it’s like…As tweeted by Jennifer Brea (with some small formatting tweaks by me):Jan 8, 2018Jan 8, 2018